Utilities and Energy Providers
Simplify collaboration and automate complex workflows
Utilities and Energy Providers
Simplify collaboration and automate complex workflows
Energy and Utilities Providers
Simplify collaboration and automate complex workflows
Project Management
Access project files, with their status, and view files stored across multiple locations and departments
Facilities Drawing Management
Document and version control, with full audit trails
Project Collaboration
Workflow Administration
In-Field Markup
Engineering Transmittals
Project Management
Access project files, with their status, and view files stored across multiple locations and departments
Project Collaboration
Real-time review and markup of drawings, including pictures and video
In-Field Markup
Markup drawings and documents in the field or at the site, online or offline, all you need is a browser
Facilities Drawing Management
Document and version control, with full audit trails
Workflow Administration
Formal workflow steps to manage standard operating procedures, approvals, and audits
Engineering Transmittals
Create transmittals in a closed loop process, including confirmation from recipients
Utilities and Energy Providers
Enhance plant and substation maintenance and safety with ScanNTap™
Use ScanNTap to access maintenance checklists, O&M manuals, drawings and specifications, SOPs, and safety data sheets. Automate error reporting and log issues or updates from the field. Early access to safety data sheets and SOPs.
We are proud to announce eQuorum is now a NAES Preferred Vendor.
We are proud to announce eQuorum is now a NAES Preferred Vendor.
EDMS for utilities and energy providers
Utilities and Energy companies can leverage a document control system to improve productivity when managing critical engineering documents and workflows. Document management software serves as a collaboration space for utilities and energy companies, as it provides them with the functionality needed for new project development, facilities project management, and controlling engineering workflows when in the plant or in the field.
Our engineering workflow and document management software ensures companies have visibility over the actions of all parties involved in projects. With various levels of access control, companies can be sure their intellectual property is safe, and that the documents in their engineering workflows are only being securely accessed by appropriate users.
Our software provides all these benefits including a NIST and NERC\CIP compliant system.
Interested to learn more?
Let's talk.
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Configuration Management
Create, track and control multiple product and asset configurations throughout the development and lifecycle process.
Utilities and energy project management
Effective project management is all about having access to needed documents and document changes, understanding task completion, monitoring and reporting, and timely notifications to project leaders and team members. For utilities and energy providers, we provide the level of project control managers need through active engineering workflows, life cycle task monitoring, and utilities document management with the highest level of security. Our EDMS solutions ensure everyone has controlled access to the files and data needed, whether for engineering design, maintenance and operations, construction tasks, or emergency management.
Utilities and energy project collaboration
Construction projects for utilities companies are often complex and involve numerous parties. There are many benefits of implementing an engineering workflow and document management system:
- Access to current project documents and drawings with the ability to markup in real time
- Ability to use tablets offline
- Simple and easy navigation, with controlled access for vendors, contractors, consultants, and employees
- Fast, preset searches, as well as full text searching of words inside documents and drawings
- Flexible workflow and life cycle processes, with assignable roles and schedules
- Notifications for any workflow or life cycle step or any system event, as well as schedule notifications
- Fully automatic version control
- File syncing across multiple plants, sites and locations.
Facilities drawing management
Users are always shown the current version of any file, including engineering drawings, eliminating fears of working with incorrect, outdated versions (back revisions are still kept and are accessible with applicable permission). Our EDMS improves engineering workflows with notifications and automated status changes, and guarantees important work processes are being handled. System maintained audit trails ensure engineering workflow histories can be displayed and all changes can be attributed to users, by day and time.
In-field markup for utilities and energy companies
When out in the plant, in the field, or at a customer/contractor site, being able to collaborate through markups to drawings, O&M documents, and SOPs makes the change process faster and more effective. Using a laptop, tablet, or even a smartphone, any document type can be marked-up to show as-built conditions, required changes, or just a running log of observations and condition reports. Even better, use your device to attach pictures, video, or audio to drawings and documents.
There are many benefits to using our engineering workflow and document management solution.
- Markups are instantaneous and display in real-time to all users viewing the document/drawing
- Use different colors or layers to denote different users, disciplines, departments, or criticality
- Use Notes to keep a running comment associated to the drawing or the marked-up area
- Associate mark-ups with digital signatures to ensure all markups are kept without being changeable for audit trails
- Get notified when a document or redline drawing markup is added
- Choose which mark-up layers to include in printouts or in published PDFs
- Use any mobile device, without needing a mobile app.
Utilities and energy workflow administration
Many processes and workflows are performed periodically or based on maintenance schedules. Users can be notified when engineering workflows are due, and track and report progress, letting supervisors better manage the tasks. Audit trails are always kept, and document retention workflows ensure documents and drawings are archived or obsoleted based on pre-set schedules.
There are many benefits to using our engineering workflow and document management solution.
- Maintenance actions can be scheduled around SOPs and O&M documents
- Retention workflows ensure materials are routinely updated and/or archived
- Supervisors/managers can be regularly notified of new or overdue tasks
- Workflow steps can be documented and maintained to meet audit requirements
- Document actions such as archival, transmittal, moving, copying, publishing, and deleting can be automated, streamlining the document management process for utilities and energy companies
- Managers can automate the changing of document metadata and status as documents and drawings move through a workflow
- Document and drawing versions are associated to workflow steps that create a change or update a given file.
Engineering transmittals and submittals
Most utilities and energy providers have one or more engineering departments. As these departments outsource a portion of their work, they need to be able to easily create, handle and send transmittals. They also need to receive and review engineering drawing submittals for approval. Files associated to transmittals are locked so a full accounting of what files were sent can be created. Add custom status data to ensure transmittals can only be sent once all files are approved and employ vendor or department-specific transmittal cover sheet templates.
Allow users and third-parties to submit documents/drawings and requests/questions using formal submittal functionality that permits managers to assign users to respond and/or make and approve changes. A full audit trail of communications between the requestor/submitter and the organization is maintained and available for review and analysis.
The eQuorum Customer Promise
In 2005, eQuorum developed the first all browser-based EDMS. The system, although for on-premise use, was still created to remove client software and JAVA from user computers and allow users to have a single viewer based on the simple navigation functionality of browsers. Today, eQuorum provides that same application in a private Cloud or a SaaS Cloud option. We can do this because we are, and have always been, browser-based, understanding the enhanced speed, security, and usability of this technology.
With the abundance of document management systems on the market today, there’s no doubt that choosing the right Cloud document management software can be a difficult decision. eQuorum is here to provide a comprehensive, powerful, and most importantly – affordable Cloud document management solution. We believe in providing real value to our customers by eliminating unnecessary costs, providing industry-leading functionality, and equipping your team with the right tools using cutting edge technology to bring your products to market faster.
We specialize in engineering workflow and document management. Our comprehensive, yet easy-to-use software provides the solution to manage data from design to manufacturing and production, to sales, support and administration.