Pain Points Eliminated by Document-Centric Workflow
Pain Points Eliminated by Document-Centric Workflow
If your company has been around for some time you’ve most likely run into the issue of losing digital documents, mixing up files, experiencing communication issues, etc. The problem often starts with simply trying to find the document you need, but it doesn’t end there. Now you need to be sure the one you found is the correct one. (Just because it says revised doesn’t mean it’s the latest revision.) The key to identifying the best system to help your organization is to try and define the top two or three pain points that need to be addressed. It’s not often easy to pin point the exact issues, but if you talk to enough individuals in the company the recurring themes typically bubble to the top. Here are the four most common pain points we see experienced within companies and organizations that can be solved through the implementation of document-centric workflows.

Document Version Control
Track document changes, capture key decisions and document the reviewing process. Stay in-control of essential workflows while ensuring correct versions of files are being used.
Pain Point #1: Not sure the found file is the most current version
We often find ourselves asking the question, am I 100 percent sure this is the most current version of the document or drawing? When you’re dealing with dynamic files, drawings or documents, version control becomes an issue.
- Who last edited this document?
- When was this file updated?
- What if I need to share a file with someone but don’t want to grant them access to the network?
- Can I review previous versions and understand what changes were made?
Version control issues are unavoidable if there’s no document management system in place. Working with the wrong version of a document can big a big waste of both company time and money.
Pain Point #2: Digital file organization is such a mess no one knows where project files are
Organizations are littered with file cabinets, laptops, drives and so on. No longer relevant files are kept on network shares far longer than needed. Perhaps the idea of others saving documents anywhere they want makes you uneasy. Everyone has their own method of organizing — and that can be an issue.
How often do you or others ask the following questions?
- Everyone has their own files that need to be accessible by everyone, how can we centralize all these files into one place?
- How can we prevent accidental overwrites and duplicates?
- I don’t remember the file name. How else can I locate my file?

Security and Access Control
Manage and automate user permissions, file rights and privileges. Keep audit trails, guarantee NIST, ITAR, NERC/CIP compliance, and prevent file misuse.
Pain Point #3: We can’t afford to have a security event or lose control of our files
As cyber-attacks increase, it’s critical to use a software stronger than a simple file share. On top of that, you need to be sure the right people have access to the right files. Balancing the two in a closed network is not always easy.
You should assign the appropriate permissions for team members — who can edit, who can share, who can only view. If a team member isn’t in a position to be altering documents or sharing with others, prevent it from being an option in the first place. The more control you exert from the start, the less likely you are to experience security issues later on.
Pain Point #4: We can’t afford a full-fledged document management and workflow system
You may be thinking, “We’re a small company; those workflow management providers are too expensive.”
We all know you get what you pay for. Unfortunately, many of the one-size-fits-all providers are priced low, or free, for a reason. Using the wrong document management and workflow system can significantly impact the quality of downstream functions and end up costing the company way more. (We have a great story about a company using a free box service and having one of their customers get access to almost all their production drawings.) As technology advances and the need for document management increases, more companies are now offering affordable options. Many are priced based on your individual needs as a company. One size does not fit all. As new technologies emerge, IT companies may shift to adapt, but their main purpose remains the same: to deliver solutions and support necessary for your company to succeed.

Engineering Workflow
Automatically manage and distribute files and documents for review, approval, and processing. Adjust user permissions at each step, ensuring your company’s files are managed securely.
Additional EDMS Features
Our EDMS solutions
ImageSite and EngineBox are eQuorum’s robust workflow and document management solutions, created to help workers manage their essential workflows while maintaining complete control over their engineering files and documents. Not only do they provide a secure collaboration site for workers, but they also help organizations manage document distribution with third parties like vendors, contractors, and customers. Both systems are offered at a competitive price, enabling organizations to get a quick return on their investment by providing the features and functionality needed to help organizations improve efficiency, productivity, and collaboration. Companies can choose from concurrent user subscriptions or named user subscriptions, ensuring organizations have subscription options that make sense for their business.

Our single source engineering workflow and document management system. Built in HTML5 so there is no software to deploy to client computers or mobile apps to download. Offered as an On-premise or Private Cloud system.
EngineBox is a cloud based workflow and document management version of ImageSite that resides outside the corporate network.
Our EDMS solutions
ImageSite and EngineBox are eQuorum’s robust workflow and document management solutions, created to help workers manage their essential workflows while maintaining complete control over their engineering files and documents. Not only do they provide a secure collaboration site for workers, but they also help organizations manage document distribution with third parties like vendors, contractors, and customers. Both systems are offered at a competitive price, enabling organizations to get a quick return on their investment by providing the features and functionality needed to help organizations improve efficiency, productivity, and collaboration. Companies can choose from concurrent user subscriptions or named user subscriptions, ensuring organizations have subscription options that make sense for their business.

EngineBox is a cloud based workflow and document management version of ImageSite that resides outside the corporate network.
The eQuorum Customer Promise
In 2005, eQuorum developed the first all browser-based EDMS. The system, although for on-premise use, was still created to remove client software and JAVA from user computers and allow users to have a single viewer based on the simple navigation functionality of browsers. Today, eQuorum provides that same application in a private Cloud or a SaaS Cloud option. We can do this because we are, and have always been, browser-based, understanding the enhanced speed, security, and usability of this technology.
With the abundance of document management systems on the market today, there’s no doubt that choosing the right Cloud document management software can be a difficult decision. eQuorum is here to provide a comprehensive, powerful, and most importantly – affordable Cloud document management solution. We believe in providing real value to our customers by eliminating unnecessary costs, providing industry-leading functionality, and equipping your team with the right tools using cutting edge technology to bring your products to market faster.
We specialize in engineering workflow and document management. Our comprehensive, yet easy-to-use software provides the solution to manage data from design to manufacturing and production, to sales, support and administration.